The RunBarr comes in two heights, LO model and HI model. Use the guides below to determine whether a RunBarr is right for your guitar, and which model to choose. And read the advisory below!
Guitar players have put stickers and duct tape on their guitars for years. That doesn’t mean that you should necessarily put stickers and duct tape, or even RunBarrs on your guitar’s finished surface! We provide Mylar base material in every package which is less invasive than typical stickers or duct tape. But you should nevertheless test the Mylar on your guitar as described below:
If you have no pickguard and/or are mounting on a finished wood surface, you must use the mylar strips provided to protect your guitar’s finish. Mount all Velcro onto these strips! This is the same material used to make clear acoustic guitar pickguards. It is widely used on expensive acoustic guitar surfaces. But if you don’t have a pickguard, snip a bit of the enclosed pickguard material and apply it to a small inconspicuous test area . We have experienced no reported problems with adhesion damage on finished wood. But finish damage is always possible! Do not put anything, RunBarrs included, on cracked or peeling guitar finishes! This product is not intended for vintage guitar wood surfaces. We will not be held responsible for misuse of this product. Use only as directed. If you have doubts, use a different guitar.